Monday, April 13, 2009

Final Story

I think i am going to write a feature story on how the economy has affected students. I would interview different students and have different quotes about how it has impacted them. Im not 100% ont he idea so if i think of soemthing else, I'll email you.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I plan on doing my paper on the drinking age. My stance is that it should be lowered. I plan on writing a column about it. Im not 100% sure this is my topic but i am leaning towards it.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

feature Story

I am not ewxactly sure on what my story is going to be about yet, but i have some ideas. One is doing the story on the H.I.T Squad but im still thinking about it.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Like most SIUE students, Steve Ingrassia likes to have fun and make money, and he has found something that accomplishes both.

On Monday nights you can find Steve at the American Legion around 7 p.m. getting ready to pay the game of bingo. Steve started growing an interest in bingo when his roommates raved how much fun it was. Since then, Steve is a regular at bingo and is doing very well for himself. “I’ve probably won about five times,” said Steve. “At least some one usually wins at my table.”

Winning is the main reason Steve plays. Each bingo game usually pays out the winner $40, and at the end someone has a chance to walk away with $500. Steve has never won the maximum prize, but he has seen it happen before. He even thinks his bingo playing may come in handy once he retires. “When I get older it will be my main source of income,” said Steve jokingly.
Steve doesn’t like everything about bingo however. Some players bring good luck charms to help them win, Steve thinks this is nonsense. “It’s just weird and it doesn’t work,” said Steve. “Besides, I’ve probably won more times than them anyways.”

Steve continues to go to the American Legion every Monday night to play bingo in hopes of getting the $500 grand prize. One thing is for sure, he won’t be using any luck to get it.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Event Preview

I've decided to preview the Battle of the Bands event. It was held on Saturday, but obviosuly will write like it hasnt happend yet. I concucted interveiws with some of the memebers of the bands about what to expect at the show, also some of the students that were planning on going to attend the event. I asked them their past experiences of the event.

I think this story matters because this is a popular event at SIUE. Also almost everyone likes music and this is a good way to get some of these bands known to some of the students.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Writing Assignment

A freshman student at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is being treated at Anderson Hospital in Maryville after he was found this morning in the basement of a dormitory on campus.
Thomas Schwanke, 18, is believed to have fallen anywhere from two to ten stories down a trash chute around 2 a.m. according to police.
Schwanke was reportedly drinking earlier in the morning which could have led to the accident some believe.
Mary Rouse, Dean of Students, is one who is concerned. She believes this incident raises concern about alcohol abuse on campus.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

First Post

This is sparta